̷ȸ ֿ ̼
츮 ư 纸 ̷ ϰ, ̿ ʿ å ϱ õ ̴. ũ ȸ ȭ Ű ȭ Ǿ ӿ Ųٷ ΰ߽ ǵ Ǿ ִ δ. ſ 簡 ̷ ſ Ǵ ó ̷ å κ ̹ ǵȴ. ᱹ Ͼ ¸ Ͽ ȭ ְ ϵ ð 帧 ܱ ȹ Ͽ ٰ ȭ ɵ ó ־ Ѵٴ ̷ å ֿ ǥ ̴.1)
̱ ǵǰ ִ پ ̷ å ߿ ̼ ̷ ϴ ־ ҰѴ. '̱ ̼ '(American Association of Museums, 'AAM') ϵ '̼ ̷ ϴ '(Center for the Future of Museums, 'CFM') ̷ 50 ȿ ֿ ̿ ϴ ̼ ó Ѵ. Ư CFM 2010 5 ǥ α ȭ ̼ ̷ (Demographic Transformation and the Future of Museums) ȭ ľϰ , ̿ ̼ Ұ ư ϰ ־ ָ ϴ. ̷ پ ȭ ߿ Ư پȭ ָϰ ִ. ̱ Ҽ̾ ƾ, ƽþư ټ ߴ ΰ(Non-Hispanic Whites) Ǿ Ҿ ̹ ȭ ̼ Ȯϴ ǥߴ.
ٷ ٹȭ ľν ̷ ȸ ̼ å µ Ѵ.
̼ ̷ (Center for the Future of Museums)
̱ ̼ (American Association of Museums, AAM) 1906 ̱ ̼ ̼ ʿ ̼ Ŀ´Ƽ ʿ پ ϰ ִ. տ Ҽ Ǿ ִ 3õ ȯϸ 5õ ̻ Ը̴. 2008 AAM ̼ ȸ 2034: ̷(Museums & Society 2034 : Trends & Potential Futures) CFM ״. CFM ȸ , ȭ, ġ ũ 帧 ľ, ̷ ̼ Ѵ.
CFM DC ġ AAM ں (Elizabeth Merritt) ̻ Ȱ ̼ ް ִ ȭ, ġ, ̼ ؾ ϴ° ϰ ִ. ǥ ̼ ȸ ȣϰ Ȯ ֵ ϴ ̸ ϱ Ͽ ̼ ̷ ɵ ó ִ Ѵ. ̷ ϴ ũ .2)
• ȭ , , ľ(Scanning)
• ó Ͽ Ͼ پ ɼ (Forecasting and Creating Scenarios)
• ȭ , (Communicating and Responding)
CFM ϴ ü α(http://futureofmuseums.blogspot.com) Ȱϰ ִµ α ؼ ̷ ȹ ǰ ִ, ٸ ΰŵ ϰ Ѵ.
̷ȸ ֿ
̱ ǰ ִ پ ߿ Ư ε巯 ǰ, ķ, , Ⱥ Եǰ ִ ̹ ִ. ĶϾ Ǹ 븮 ġ ̷ (IFTF : The Institute for the Future) ü ̷ ϰ ִµ 10Ⱓ ̷ ȸ ֿ ߴ.3) ܿ ° ȭ ü ִ 50 ȿ 踦 Ʋ Ͼ ó Ŀ 翡 ؾ ϴ ñ ϴ Ѵ. 쿡 о߿ ִ Ư¡̴. ó ũ о ܿ ȭ ̷ȸ ̴. Ʒ ȭ Ǵ ν ִ ľ Ѵ
) α ȭ
ٸ (Ư ߱, ε, þ, ߵ̳ ) , ̱ε ִ ȭ (Attractions) ν ϰ ٸ Ǿ. ٸ ȭýü ַ 湮,̿ϴ ̱ ȭǴ ̴. ̱ (NEA : National Endowment for the Arts) 2009 翡 ̱ ̼ ٽ 湮 45-54 Ÿ.4) Ư EU 27 ü 5 ̻ ̰ ִ ε , ȭ ε巯 ־. ȭ · 濡 Ȯ ظ ٽ ̱ ؼ ƶ ´ α, üδ 丮ڸ(Storytelling), (Stagecraft), ̰ ִ ɷ(Showmanship), ڱϴ α (Great Imagery) 䱸Ǵ Ȳ Ѵ.5)
) ȯ濡 ν
ȯ濡 氢 AAM Ͽ ȯڹ PIC Green(Professional Interest Committee Green) 2007 Ǿ.6) ڿ ü ̱ ̼ ȯģȭ Ʈ(Greening Project) ַ ϰ ̼ Ÿ α ȯ濡 νİ ȣ ϵ ´. Ư ̼ α̳ (Facility and Maintenance) ó, ̳ ȫ μ(Marketing and Public Relation) 쿡 PIC Green α ϰ ִ. μ , ̼ Ǵ ̳ ġ ʿ δٵ ڿ ģȭ Ḧ ϴ ְ, , , ȫ μ ߰ ó ݻ ĩ ȯ ̴ ̼ ϴ α ֱ ̴. AAM ȸ , ڵ PIC Green Եȴ.
) Ÿ
AAM 2007 ̼ ް ̶ ϴ° 亯 Ǿ. • ̱ ̼ Ư¡ κ ο ۿ Ե ӵ ϴ ũ ̼ ý ϴ , • ʱ ̼ ֵ ߴ (2 ) • ٵ ȸ ȭ ȭ 帧 뿡 ϴ ϳ ̴.
1) AAM, CFM, ĶϾ ̼ (California Association of Museums) 2010 AAM ȸ ĶϾ ̼ ̷ (Forecasting the Future of California Museums) Ŵ(Angie Kim, Principal Project Specialist at the Getty Foundation) ߾ Ϻ http://futureofmuseums.blogspot.com/2010/07/forecastingthe-future-of-planning.html
2) ̷ 101: (Future Study 101: The Purpose of Foresight) http://futureofmuseums.blogspot.com/2010/08/futures-studies-101-purpose-of.html
3) ̷ (IFTF: The Institute for the Future) Ten-Year Forecast Spring 2009 Retreat http://www.iftf.org/node/2500
4) National Endowment for the Arts(2009), Arts Participation 2008: Highlights from a National Survey. Washington, D.C.: National Endowment for the Arts.α ȭ ̼ ̷ p.12 ο
5) ħ(Attractions Handbook) 2010-2011 http://futureofmuseums.blogspot.com/2010/08/trends-in-attractions-industry.html
6) PIC Green Ұ http://www.aam-us.org/getinvolved/comm/green.cfm